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Date: Thu, Mar 26, 1998 17:43 EST
From: <A HREF="aol://3548:FJORDING">FJORDING</A>
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

       The people at the recycling plant (and transfer station) were nuts
about Lars. A supervisor came down and said he had been called to take a
picture of the first horse they had ever weighed. His camera was empty, but I
had mine, so I took them instead. Probably up on their bulletin board now. I
also left a few Pony Party advertisements, just in case. They have children
and company picnics, too. I am thinking of bringing him back there in amonth
or two, after his mane is a bit higher, and taking photos on the scale
platform to submit to a local company which is soliciting horse pictures for a
Long Island (NY) horse calendar. They are looking for the unusual, and a
zebra-maned, 1260 lb. Fjord being weighed should qualify for that! Past that,
the pony party and street fair season is beginning, and it is time to
introduce the public to a Fjord, and let him pay some of his board at the same
time. Ta,Ta for now, Merek.
   iTS OBVIOUS that you like this horse..... so whats up?   LP

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