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te: Tue, Jan 13, 1998 19:29 EST
From: <A HREF="aol://3548:FJORDING">FJORDING</A>
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    I can only say that my Fjord, Valea's Lars, is well know by the children
and adults here on Long Island. Children remember his name from year to year
at the various parades and events he attends. Last week, a small girl with her
father pointed at a friend who helps me at these events and yelled "That's
him, that's the man!". Yikes! What did I do! Sounds like the kid is calling
you a child molester or something. Then she continued "That's the man
who put me on Lars at the street fair". He is the hottest thing since sliced
bread wherever I take him, and he goes to a lot of strange events. Even does a
Roman soldier's horse at a church Good Friday procession, and the Wizard of Oz
horse at a Bat Mitzvah. People constantly ask if he is the same pony they saw
at another parade or fair or party. Not all are a problem. Merek.

   Couldn't resist putting in one of the last posts from the AOL boards,
Meric!   " Hes the hottest thing since sliced bread?????"   Dosnt sound like a
person who hates his horse!   Lisa P.   Now, WHAT HAPPEND? 

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