This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Brian, for the very complete and good information.  I think I will
print this out and save it.

I did go ahead and worm them with Strongid paste and started back on the
Daily wormer.  When I get back from my next absence (Turlock?), the first
part of October, I'll worm with Ivermectin, even though we don't have bots
up here in Fairbanks (Yet). 
 I haven't decided yet if I'll keep on the daily wormer throughout the
winter (It gets expensive) but I feel my vet isn't trying to make money off
it; to the contrary, he supplys the Strongid C2X at a cost below what I can
get it elsewhere, especially when bought in quantity. (I think he gets more
sleep at night with  his clients using the Daily Strongid.....fewer colics?)

Also, It may be my imagination,  but it seems that old Bjarne, my 23 year
old gelding who had a really big "hay belly" has trimmed down his belly a
bit after almost a year on the Daily Strongid.  His coat sure looked good
this year, too!

Now, if it would only stop raining long enough to dry up the corrals before
freeze-up, and get sunny so the farmers here can get that second cutting of
hay before it snows...  

Jean in soggy Fairbanks, Alaska (but some sun today!) where the Geese and
Sandhill cranes are gathering in preparation for their flights South! FROST
predicted tonight, cover those beans!

At 01:22 AM 8/23/98 EDT, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)
>Dear Jean,
>Sorry it has taken a few days for you to get a reply, but you asked:

>----->Yes, you would need to deworm them with a full dose of a good
>dewormer.[Snip rest of message}  
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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