This message is from: Ursula Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 She felt that the
>>bad acting stallion shouldn't have gotten a blue ribbon.  
Carol, please re-read my original post where it says that 'people present'
not 'I' felt that the stallion shouldn't have gotten a blue ribbon. 
My sole purpose in bringing up this topic was to generate discussion not to
air my personal opinion. I have had numerous people contact us after the
Oregon Evaluation to air this concern (temperament and manners)and Brian and
I felt it was prudent to have some additional input. Since Brian is on the
evaluation commitee and we were part of the preparation clinic I guess
people felt it was important for us to know what the concensus was. We also
felt it was a worthwhile excercise to hear from possible experts in the
field and get a general feel for peoples opinion. I will be printing
people's comments and sending them to Nancy Hotovy for discussion in the
fall. It's important for the committee to hear what people have to say and
this is a great medium.

P.S. Another consideration.....our animals can only be evaluated(judged) by
how they 'present' at a given time (here and now) My horse may have
outstanding movement at a walk or trot (another evaluation criteria) but if
I cannot show that trait to the judge on that given day then the judge can
only judge what he sees. Hence, why not be able to judge a poorly mannered
horse if he is behaving obnoxiously,lacks respect, and is potentially
dangerous to the handler. 
|       Ursula & Brian Jensen from Trinity Fjords       |
|         E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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