This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>THIS week, not only
>did we have representatives from all over the states, and Alaska, we had
>Saskia join us from Belgium!!!
and we had Jackie from Australia!!! With her, it was 11 a.m.! So we had 
people from all over the planet and in different time-zones! (for me: 
future, present and past)
Jackie, I wonder if there are a lot of Fjords in Australia? How do they 
get there? (as even by plane, it is a very long trip).

>(I think we wore her out, as I havnt
>noticed as many posts from her this week! ) Well it was 4:00 AM there...
I enjoyed it very much!!! But I was tired and the following night we had 
my parent's dog here (as they were in France for 2 days) and he kept 
barking and weeping all night... and I didn't sleep a wink and the next 
night... I had a terrible tooth-ache and couldn't sleep either...
But I'm alive and kickin' again and ready to jump out of my bed at 3 a.m. 
tomorrow night again, as seems expected of me, Lisa, by your:


:-) !!!


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