This message is from: john bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Amy K White wrote:
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Amy K White)
> Hello all. A fellow Fjord-lover here in Nebraska is in poor health and
> must sell his Fjords and equipment. He does not have access to this list,
> so we offered to post this message on his behalf. He has 2 registered
> geldings, half-brothers, ages 4 and 5 , broke to drive single or double
> and is asking $3000 for each. Also some very nice harness, carts, and
> wagons for very reasonable prices, as well as collars and miscellaneous
> items. Steve and I visited him last year and can tell you that his horses
> are well-broke and his harness and equipment are in good to excellent
> condition. We would love to have the horses ourselves, but our stable is
> full at the moment! If you are interested, please e-mail us privately and
> we can provide you with the complete list and prices.
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I would be interested in more information about the harness/carts in
particular.  With 5 horses already, I am not quite ready for another
Fjord.  But I would so like one!

Martie Bolinski

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