This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jon A. Ofjord wrote:
> >According to my Norwegian dictionary "bas" means "leading persom within a
> >group; headman, master;" also "boss" (similar pronunciation, eh?).
> >Or it could be, as Saskia said, short for Sebastian. I guess you would have
> >to find the person who named him.
> >Good luck!
> >Jon
> At (nice site!!!) I found this explanation of
> Sebastian:
> This boy's name is used in English, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish. Its
> source is Sebastos, a Greek name meaning "Revered." Learn more about the
> heritage of this name. Nicknames of the name Sebastian include: Seb, Bas.
> There are seven other forms of Sebastian.
> I'm in favor of the combination, that "Bas" means "revered boss". :-)
> Saskia
  Thankyou Saskia and thankyou Jon! I do believe who ever named "Bas"
hit the name right on the head!! He is the dominant one here at
home...definately the "BOSS"! No one crosses example: everyone
had to wait their turn for water, before I bought a second trough. I
swear, sometimes he just stood there playing with the water...blowing
bubbles, slurping, gargeling...daring anyone to come for a drink! After
a very long time, he S-L-O-W-L-Y walked away. Then everyone rushed
forward...he is the "revered" king here.  :oD

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