This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>The name Flor in Norwegian can mean a couple of things. "Bloom" or
>"flowering" is probably the most common meaning,

>but it can also mean "cow
>barn" or "barn floor".

> Just don't tell Flor about that one.
I'll keep it in mind for the unlikely event that I would ever be angry 
with him... no, never!

>Maybe Flor is like Ferdinand the bull who would rather be in the pasture
>smelling flowers than in the ring fighting. 
if you would have seen him, you wouldn't have been able to find a better 
comparison!!! he's totally Ferdinandish!!!

Jon, can I ask you something (it's so nice you speak Norwegian!) - is 
"Unna" a Norwegian name and what does it mean? It always sounded like 
"number 1" to me, but that's rather Spanish I think...



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