This message is from: Gail Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, my computer seems OK, and the pictures of FJ are still there. But
running a bit to catch up from two days of fooling with my computer.

Re bored Fjords:

Just leave something you value within reach.  Gunthar chewed my brand new
stirrup leathers (on the saddle) when I turned my back for a minute.  He
chews the reins if you sit around on him while at a clinic (this horse does
not take the bit in his teeth, he grabs for the reins!)   He knows how to
flick his head down so a loose rein will fall into his mouth so he can chew.
Sure feels funny trying to ride him when he has one of the reins in his teeth.

Or you can leave all the grooming equipment within reach of the paddock.
They'll spread it all over the paddock, including picking it up and carrying
it 50 feet away. :)

Back soon.
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

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