This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Betsy,

Saskia was going to put Gunthar's picture up on her site, but a full blown
conformation site might be a bit much for her server.  Sounds fine to me to
integrate it with your site if that is OK.  (Saskia, are you there?  Would
you welcome someone else taking over hosting the "conformation pictures.")
I'm not sure about the logistics of web sites.

Seems like what we have to do is put up some pictures of our volunteer
models (with appropriate disclaimers that the camera does not always do them
justice -  "Use Only for Educational Purposes").  Then people could send
comments via an e-mail link at the site - perhaps the e-mail should go
direct to the list to help keep the list afloat in the summer months and to
pique interest in the site.  I would be willing to keep a running text file
of the comments.  I might try to sort them into, feet, shoulders, legs,
movement, etc, depending upon how easy that is to do (based on how the
comments are organized).  When there is a reasonable size text file for a
given horse it could be posted to the web page (I presume this is possible.)  

I'd love to see discussion of Fjord conformation for different uses (gotta
dig up my Draft Horse Journal article on Draft Horse Hocks - and order Deb
Bennets books!).  We could recruit some drafty models for examples.  Seems
like the best models are geldings as they really have "nothing to lose" in
all this.

I'm green on this web page thing and a little daunted by the challenges, but
willing to put in some effort so we can learn and have fun!  

Saskia, Betty, what do you think?  

ly for educational pAt 10:30 AM 5/6/98 PDT, you wrote:
>This message is from: "Betsy Bauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi Group 
>Sorry I missed a character in my www location last message - thanks for
>checking and bringing it to my attention....
>To see a beautiful part of History check out the photo at:
>Also, to Gail, Julie and other who were discussing the idea of viewing
>photos of a Fjord for learning purposes, I would like to offer that I could
>design the pages, and maintain it for the group  of informative, educating
>conformation type information.  I agree we could learn and use the web for
>another beneficial task.  We could link from there to the associations,
>handbook, and association type links.  Maybe the pictures could go to the
>person who would write the information and send a .txt disk and photos to
>me.... I would keep it separate from my site so it would not conflict with
>my site or visa versa.  We could either have a separate site ($9.95/m) or
>tag it onto one already in existance. 
>More for the love of Fjords. 
>     Betsy 
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

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