This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All:  Well it finally happened!  Our mare, Rokida's Vedas foaled this
morning at about 7:45AM.  A healthy BIG filly.  Mother and daughter appear
to be doing fine.  We seem a little stressed though.  She had her in the
pasture this morning (So much for readying the foaling stall!).  It took us
a couple hours to get her back to the barn.  She'd take a few steps and
flop down, then rest for a while.  We finally got mother and daughter
secured in the foaling stall. My husband Jon had to pick her up any carry
her across a muddy run-off spot on the way to the barn.  The young 'un
doesn't have a name yet.  We'll write more later.

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