This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I became interested in Fjords back in 1986 or 87.
> Marsha Jo Hannah had just recently bought Nansy and was posting to
> rec.equestrian about her (Nansy's) wonderful qualities. I was intrigued.
> Here was a compact, hardy, thrifty, smart, trainable, kind,
> loaded-with-character, all-around type of horse. I searched for more
> info -- not much was available -- but at some point I found a picture of
> a Fjord. It was BEE-YOU-TEA-FULL, and I was sold.

I'm flattered!  Although I'm a little perplexed about the time-line.
I got Nansy in the fall of 1986, but didn't get involved with
rec.equestrian right away.  More like 1989, as best I can recall....

However, that does point out that there are many ways to "promote"
Fjords.  I'm not a breeder; I don't show; I rarely ride in public
places.  But, I talk (a lot) about my critters online, and over the
years, I've answered questions from whomever expressed interest.
There are at least 3 Fjord owners nearby who've told me that it's all
my fault.  ;-)

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
30 mi SSE of San Francisco, Calif.

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