This message is from: Roland Thier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Does the NFHR have a brand for the Fjords who pass muster at American
> evaluations?????
> My fjord mare, Dorina, has the Dutch brands on each hip.  I understand
> that this is done at the two year old evaluation, and that she must have
> passed through a grading system at the time. 

Dutch foals get the + with dots on the right side when they are graded the 
first time 
and enter the foal-registry. (usualy when they are a couple of months old). 
They get 
the upside-down triangle with a 'D' in it on the age of three when they enter 
Registry. Some letters are not used like Q, but i thought the X is used. The 
letter "I" 
is used for import fjords.

The + with the dots represents the registry-number of the fjord, i know a 
little bit 
about this numbers:
1 2 | 1 2
3 4 | 3 4

The left side are the ten-numbers the 1 stands for 10, 2 for 20, 3 for 30, for 
50 to 90 
they use combinations of the left side numbers. The right side are the normal 
So 1 stands for 1, 2 for 2,and 5 to 9 are combinations of these.

For numbers above 100 they use two plus's.

So the number 12 is:
* . | . *
. . | . .

Since 1997 they do not use this system any more, now they put chips in the neck 
of the 

> And when you see a two year old Dutch filly with the brands on each hip,
> what does that tell you?????

It is a real fjord, because you get the brands when the parents are known. When 
parents are not known they enter the hulp-registry and then the upside-down 
has the letters "HB" of hulpbook in it.

I don't think the fjord will be two then they have two brands, because they get 
second when they are three year's old. 

Roland Thier (I will introduce my self later)

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