This message is from: barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been lurking for a week or so.  My husband Barry and I have Village
Farm in Southern California.  We have 5 Fjords here, 4 are ours.  We
have Valbjorn our stallion, Halsten, his 2 yo son (gelding), and 2 bred
mares, Bjuti and Misty.  Bjuti's last foal was born on Easter morning
and it looks like she may do it again.  She's due any minute.  We are
standing for the 98 season another stallion, Fair Acres Nels owned by
Jeff and Lisa Pedersen of Norco, CA (As well as Valbjorn).  

We pleasure drive Valbjorn all over town, ride the mares and hope to
have the young gelding started soon.  We both work (I teach special ed,
the disabled kids and Barry is a tech for Dow Jones) and while we can
start our own horses we find it hard to get the early training lessons
scheduled consistently.  I tried a trainer who came to the farm but
didn't care for her methods.  I sent a mare out and while not unhappy
with the methods, was unhappy with her progress.  The trainer was coming
off an injury and was a bit nervous and the horse picked up on that real
quick.  I was hesitant to use some of the very competent young girls
around because of the liability.  We are in racehorse country and had
noticed that of the 3 or 4 riders galloping horses for my neighbor one
was a standout.  He always had the horse going beautifully and and sat
so quietly--I never saw him treat the horses roughly.  This rider has
now started several horses for us and all have been happy, confident,
and learned quickly.  It is important for a rider on a green horse to be
well balanced, fit, confident and have good timing.  Few of us fit this
discription.  If at all possible I would suggest that the woman with the
green horse search for someone like this rider if only for a few
lessons--it took us awhile but the search was worth it.  The Fjords are
a picnic to handle compared to what he's used to and he loves to come
work them.  Once he's done 10-15 rides we've been able to continue the
training ourselves with no problems even if they are not worked daily.

Sorry I've gone on so long.  Would like to hear some Easter name
suggestions from anyone--I didn't think I'd have another Easter foal.

Margaret Strachan
Village Farm 
Nuevo, CA

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