This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Petty)

On this one I could not resist entering in! I agree, why not leave them
barefoot. I have my horses shod if I'm going into the mountains where I
know it will be rocky, or if I'm driving a pair. Other wise I leave them
barefoot year round. I've had no problems, knock on wood.

By the way, I've been lurking around, not much of a writer. I'm Philip
Petty of Lochsa Fjords in Mica, Washington. We have 5 fjord horses (notice
they are not ponies) and three on the way, one maybe tonight!?!

> From: Alison Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: shoeing
> Date: Thursday, April 02, 1998 3:29 PM
> Marsha Jo Hanna said
> > "Our Fjords are seeing a lot of the farrier these days.  In the last
> > month, he's been out 4 times, to fix bent or missing shoes on our
> > geldings.  Of course, they never manage to both do it at the same
> > time---e.g. Rom will wait until the day after Sleepy got his fixed.
> > It's seasonal---not a problem once the ground dries up for the summer."
> Why not leave them barefoot?  Fj does alot of work in the summer,  and
> even though the barn where  we were boarding was all gravel, he never
> went lame or had his feet wear down. That was the summer when horses that
> had never gone lame in their lives did because of the footing.It would
> save you allot of bills, and they will have better grip, too.

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