> "Alison Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [3 Fjords, and a pinto donkey] must be the cutest group!

The Fjords don't think so.  The donkey, Shadow, is fairly dominant,
and the Fjords are quite laid-back, so she pushes them around
unmercifully, runs them out of their hay, etc.  I once watched her use
a combination of cutting-horse and sheep-dog maneuvers to round up the
3 Fjords and herd them out into the pasture, just because she felt
like doing it.  Looked pretty funny---a 400-pound pinto donkey making
3000 pounds of Fjords do her bidding!  I finally had to separate them,
as she was getting fat on their hay, and literally running the shoes
off of them, sometimes.

> How much did [OrthoFlex saddle] cost? (english or western saddle?)

OrthoFlex got their start making saddles for distance-riding events,
like endurance racing.  When I bought our saddles (1989 and 1991),
most of their designs were hybrids.  Ours have western-style trees,
with high pommel and cantle, but no saddle horn; the girth and stirrup
riggings are their own inventions.  Prices were about $1000 then; much
higher now, I understand.  They now make some saddles that look like
most of the "normal" types of English and Western saddles.

By the way, I'd also be interested in tips for dealing with moldy
tack.  We've had an abnormally wet winter, and one old harness is
breaking out in white, fuzzy spots.

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
30 mi SSE of San Francisco, CA

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