This message is from: "PSB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I recently asked about pellet bedding in stalls.  The product I was looking
at using was Bear Mountain Dry Den.  I had emailed back and forth with Angie
asking "dumb" questions and getting patient replies.  I forwarded to her
some of the questions that came up on the digest during the brief
discussion.  The attachment is their answers to the questions.

I did put Dry Den in three of my stalls today.  The mare and Foal were the
first to experience them.  Monique promptly gathered up a mouth full (I had
alfalfa and hay in her stall to hopefully deter her) chopped on them and
quickly dropped them.  The foal on the other hand, chomped on the tried to
swallow and then spit "everything" out of her mouth - green slime and all.

The yearling colt, gave them the cocked head, ears in a forward "zing" then
grabbed his ball and started playing.  The 3 year old gelding was nonplus
about the entire change over.

I especially wanted to watch them running from the stall runs into the stall
as the pellets seemed just a wee slippery for me - no one experienced any

OK, sorry, got carried away with my post <gbg>

Paradise Acres
Junction City, OR

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