This message is from: "Lynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Either that or convince the open class judges that that hair is there for a
reason on all horses so should be left there. (And that will happen when
hell freezes over). VBG

It does say "preferred" so unless that means that a horse will be marked
down for being clipped it shouldn't matter should it?. Does make it a bit
hard when you want prove the horse in open competition as well as "breed".


> To:
> Subject: Cant clip , judges rule !   ;   (
> Date: Monday, 17 April 2000 4:50 PM
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Hi List !   Its late and Im tired, but wondered if anyone else has 
> noticed the " Breed Standard and Judges Handbook " pg 20. preferred
> presentation " 
>    Muzzle : hairs left long.
>    Eyes :    hairs left long.    
>                              Oh just great.  Now we get to look like
> beasts in all open shows, and formal driving shows where < NOT > 
> and clipping some nose hairs and long " boingys " will get you the gate
> turnout every time. This one is dumb.    Couldnt it have read...." Muzzle
> hairs neatly clipped OR left naturally long. Eyes : same.......
>     Also, gonna be some ol' boys pretty mad about not getting to wear
> jeans at Blue Earth and Libby..... yep, yep, yep.  <ggg>  
>    Still dont agree I cant clip my guys to neatness.....seems like a 
> contradiction.  Lisa Pedersen

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