This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes Sue .. there ARE lots of Cdn fjord owners on this list .. and I, for
one, managed to find a pair of fiscar scissors in the office supply section
of Walmart .. I think that you might try Cdn Tire too?  I found they work
well but didn't discover any really spectacular differences between them and
the several other brands I tried.  Some of those manes are just so tough to

By the way, where are you located in Cda?  I'm in the upper Ottawa Valley.

And on the subject of names --  if and when my mare foals -- 7-8 days and
counting? and if we have a filly  filly she's going to be called .. get this
"Valley Girl"!  Mike are you listening/reading?  Did any of you out there
who actually live in the real "Val" halla think of this??  If not, it's
mine!! And in future years, even if it's not a "v" year.   My sister-in-law
thought of it and I think it's great .. not that many "V" names out there
that aren't taken!

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