This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all-

Just got back from the Expo at Albany and caught up on the Digests. The
Fjords were a big hit [of course].The breed demo featured two stallions,
a matched pair riding western, and a mare pulling a cart with foal
beside. Gayle and Dusty then did their awesome freestyle demo.
Catherine's foal was a lively counterpoint - the crowd loved it. I loved
getting to talk with the old and new Fjord folks who came by.

Mel and Dean Thomas kept Erlend and me organized, clean, dressed, and
ready to go. Mr. E. was also in the Parade of Stallions, in some very
impressive company. About the time we got the hang of all of it, the
show was over. It was great fun all the way through, though, especially
when my erstwhile steed decided he was in love with Catherine's [bred]
mare. Round and round the arena we went, him whuffling and strutting and
trying to make smaller and smaller circles to get closer to her, and me
trying to keep him on the rail while giving the appearance of being in
perfect harmony with my horse and of knowing how to ride.

We got a bazillion questions about the manes. My stock answer was,
"you're looking at about 3 hour's worth of work there.."

Gayle, your new site is great.

Mike, thanks for the Evaluation Booklet.

Carol, I was terribly sorry to hear of the barn fire. So frustratingly
tragic! I'm sure you'll feel a lot more secure with your new facilities.
Best of luck.

Time to exit and rest up from my relaxing weekend - Peg Knutsen .

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