This message is from: "cnielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't want to insult but I think this country has enough horses that are
cross bred-for example - look at quarter horse crosses - they are a dime a
dozen where I live and they aren't nice ones-they are any two horses thrown
together just to have a foal - and maybe making money on a stud fee.
 I'm no big breeder, but I would hate to see this breed ruined in crossing
them with other breeds- this country has a tendency to do that with
everything we get our hands on-just like the many breeds of dogs.If  people
start crossing fjords and breeding their half breeds  then there goes the
qualities we originally got into the breed for.a breed should be kept true
for what they are-each serves its purpose- if it cant do what you would
like-then find a breed that can!!!! come on listers I know we have strong
opinions on this subject- just like the Zebra  cross
thing that was discussed awhile back.
sorry this is so long
Randi from Wisconsin

----- Original Message -----
From: Anna Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: a question for the list

> This message is from: "Anna Rousseau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 1) <<  The ultimate goal in breeding anything is to produce something
>     better in
>     terms of conformation, movement, and temperment.
> There isn't anything better than a pure bred Norwegian Fjord. >>
> I disagree. There may be a cross that is more suitable for a certain
> discipline than the purebred Fjord. What breeds would not exist today if
> there was no crossbreeding allowed in any other breeds? That is very
> minded. That is like the Nazi's idea that only the light skinned, light
> type of people were with any intelligence or athletic ability.
> 2) <<I  think  a Fjord stallion could better a lot of breeds of mares.
> Why is that wrong?
> Because breeding a Good Fjord Stallion to a BAD mare of another
> breed will most likely not produce a "Better" horse.>>
> Well, I said nothing about breeding a good Fjord to a bad mare of any
> breed. There are good mares of other breeds that would benefit from some
> good Fjord characteristics. Every breed has some faults, cross breeding a
> mare for instance with the Fjord can breed out some of the "hot" and add
> more bone. This would make a better performance animal.
> I can understand the idea of keeping a breed pure for survival of the
> This breed however will not be hurt by crossbreeding of stallions. Other
> breeds out there could use some of these characteristics. I think the
> crosses would excell in many different areas which would in turn help
> promote the Fjord horse, widening the market! Wake up people, half the
> horses competing for this country in international competitions are cross
> breeds of one sort or another. Why not promote your horses this way
> stallions to crossbreed?
> Thanks
> Anna
> >From: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: a question for the list
> >Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 12:54:30 -0500
> >
> >This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >At 09:21 AM 3/22/00 -0800, you wrote:
> >>This message is from: "Anna Rousseau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
> >>Dear list members:
> >>
> >>I am not a Fjord Association member. I have just one Fjord, I bought him
> >>to ride and do breed promos. I was told the other day that the Fjord
> >>association does not allow cross breeding and will pull papers on a
> >>that is cross bred.
> >
> >If it is the "Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry" that your talking about
> >the answer is yes that is true.  The NFHR does not allow
> >crossbreeding.  Here is the exact text of the rule:
> >==================================================
> >In the interest of protecting the genetic purity and the highest
> >of the Fjord horse, we will withdraw from the Norwegian Fjord Horse
> >Registry any mare or stallion that is used for crossbreeding with another
> >breed or species. Violators will have their membership suspended and will
> >lose all membership privileges including registration, transfer of horses
> >and any voting rights. The names of owners and horses will be placed on
> >suspended list.
> >==================================================
> >
> >>  The ultimate goal in breeding anything is to produce something better
> >>terms of conformation, movement, and temperment.
> >
> >There isn't anything better than a pure bred Norwegian Fjord.
> >
> >>I  think  a Fjord stallion could better a lot of breeds of mares. Why is
> >>that wrong?
> >
> >Because breeding a Good Fjord Stallion to a BAD mare of another breed
> >most likely not produce a "Better" horse.
> >
> >>Please, explain this issue to me, I hope that this information that I
> >>received is incorrect. Looking forward to that response.
> >
> >These are my opinions only.  If you want to get the official opinion of
> >NFHR then contact the President - Dennis Johnson.  His email address is
> >
> >Mike
> >
> >
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