This message is from: carol j makosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carl & Sarah Nagel wrote:

> This message is from: "Carl & Sarah Nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> No horse babies yet at Quad L Ranch but I interupt the foal chat to brag
> about my 16 year old baby! In a single day, rated as the second best day of
> her life (Libby was first of course), so far...Jennie was appointed to
> Girl's State to represent her high school AND qualified for STATE with an
> impressive french horn solo at regionals today!!!!
>  Jennie Sanders, (my daughter, niece of Sarah Nagel and niece-by-friendship
> of Michelle Noonan, employee and friend of Chip Lamb) for those of you who
> don't remember her, she is the little girl (small joke -- she's 6' tall) who
> started totally green last spring working for Chip and ended up placing in
> all her novice events at Libby including a first in pack horse --we're still
> smiling from all the fun.
> Yesterday,  four ladies interviewed Jennie to be a delegate at Girl's State,
> the girl's are judged on academics (3. or above), physical fitness, talent,
> leadership skills (she's never held a class office and almost didn't apply
> because she didn't think she'd have a chance), community involvement,
> educational goals and strength of character. This being her first "real"
> interview she wasn't sure how it went. One lady was actually dozing during
> the interview!
> Today was the Idaho Panhandle Regional Solo & Ensemble competition for high
> school. Jennie plays the french horn. Since the band kids would be gone when
> the winners were announced  the teacher announced it on the bus---you
> guessed it!--Jennie was appointed!!  During her solo performance Jennie was
> more nervous then I've ever seen her but she played her difficult piece
> well. The judge critiqueing (sorry no spell check here-we're horse sitting
> tonight) her performance kept saying, "when you go to state", "if you go to
> state", back and forth, back and forth. So she's been on pins and needles
> all evening awaiting the official verdict. She did it! We are so proud of
> her and she is so amazed about todays happenings she  is walking on air,
> (but just to keep her head out of the clouds, she fell on her tush and slid
> down the front stairs at Chips tonight, she will be sore tommorow.  I guess
> the moral of the story is: Cowgirl's CAN do anything when they set their
> hearts and minds to it! (Reference to the link we sent the other day if you
> looked at it)
> The end of a Happy Day in Sandpoint Idaho
> Teresa

Hi from Carol M.

Congratulations to Jennie and to all who have helped her to these
accomplishments.  This news reminds me of our two kids competeing at music.
It's great to hear of kids headed in the right direction and adults standing
behind them and being very involved.
Keep it up Jennie.
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Siren WI

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