This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think your babies look great.  Can you explain the four black socks on
Stella?  Maybe your mud is blacker than here?  :)  When I said I was
slightly intimidated by the fifteen handers and up it was the first two I
ever saw at Libby and they were "restless".    Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 9:26 AM
Subject: Pictures of Stella II and Bjorken

>This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Lori Albroughj has put picture of two of my fjords on her website.
>(Thanks, Lori!)
>My mare Stella (Stella II) was imported by the Unraus from Norway along
>with her dam Line in l981. Her sire is Butind N1697.
>Stella was born in l977, the  picture was taken in l989.    She is 14-3 hh.
>She is lighter boned than Line, has very good hooves.   I think her hind
>leg is a bit too straight, However all of her offspring have very good
>hindquarters. She was approved for breeding in Norway.
>Stella has two sons who are 15-2hh, Anvil's Solvaktig (White dun?
>stripe) and Bjorken, light brown dun. She also has a son by Rusten, Anvil's
>Borgen, who is not as tall and is a breeding stallion owned by  Allison
>Bakken. She has three daughers, one still in Norwayas well as  Anvil's
>Stina, an ulsdun owned by the Unraus and Two Rivers Bjelke (somehwere in
>California or the Northwest)
>My big gelding Bjorken was born in l987.  His sire is Anvil's Rikolv owned
>by George Weaver.    Bjorken is 15-2hh  and has good withers (which
>probably add 2" to his height.) He is rather light boned for his size and I
>would guess would be marked down at an evaluation for that as well as for
>"breed type" as  I don't consider him real "typey" . I never considered
>keeping him as a stallion.  He is a wonderful riding horse with a great
>personality and very gentle and I love his size as I am pretty tall.
>I have posted these picture to show how some traits are passed on as well
>as to show off my favorite fjords!
>Be gentle with your comments! LOL
>Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska where it is clear and cool, (-8) but will be
>sunny and gorgeous later. Perfect for ice carving and dogsledding!
>Jean Ernest
>Fairbanks, Alaska

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