This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Renee, I was so sorry to hear about your loss. We thought Silka was carrying
twins when the vet saw two round things on the 14-day ultra-sound. My
trainer and I stood by in tears as he tried to pinch one off. It didn't
work, and he was back every other day to make sure which one was growing. He
finally decided one was a cyst. The other one turned out to be Pepper. I
didn't think I could bear to go through what you just did! As you say, at
least mom will recover. My thoughts are with you.

Gayle, what you said about long, consistent, training was great. I've sure
worked with a lot of humon clients who could have benefited from some
structure when growing up! I'm working on it, but there's still a BIG gap
between what my head knows and what my body will do. As with field-trialing
dogs, those habits and reflexes take a long time to become second-nature.
The best one can do is to know when you need help and get it. That, too, can
be a challenge.

This is the main reason we're selling Rocky - someone else who really knows
what they are doing can train him and have a great performer. We, meanwhile,
will get another horse[s] as steady and well-trained as Erlend is to ride
and/or drive. Thanks for giving us the benefit of your experience, Gayle,
Carol, and others.

Bye, Peg Knutsen

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