This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:07 AM 02/06/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>This message is from: Martha Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This is just a bit of information for the list. I am from Montana and we 
>have a Weed Control Association here and I think there will be other 
>organizations in other areas.  All of your questions can be answered by 
>them, .....<snip>

>Montana State University is doing extensive research on grazing 
>practices, competitive planting, use of bio-control (insects) and use of 
>chemical.  I work with the state of Montana and MSU on a new invaders 
>project so I have been involved in some of the research.  Weeds are not 
>something to be overlooked! 

>If you have any questions I'll be happy and try and answer them and if I 
>can't I'll find out who can, but do remember that the best answers will 
>come from local organizations.

>Take care,
>Martha Smith
>from that little bit 
>  of heaven called 
>     Montana

Hi Martha, I believe that was my quote at the top of your post.. nice to
hear from a fellow Montanian! Don't know what part you're from, but here in
the NW it would be impossible to "overlook knap weeds!" There is hardly not
a mountain trailhead that doesn't sport their purple flowers in profusion!
Probably compliments of radical logging practises using corporate machinery
on clearcutting, consequently scarifying the ground for weed sowing.
Clearcutting is a despicable logging practise condoned by USFS.

It looks to me like we started too late on this one and aren't focusing on
the biggest offenders. As for contacting weed associations, university,
extension, etc. .. been there, done that.

I will not use chemicals. There is some reason why cancer is increasingly
widespread and until they figure it out I can't think of a better reason
NOT to use them! (that's my soapbox).

I will look forward to hearing from you. 

We tried controlling Knap Weed with water and all they do is "lay low"...
they get real short, flatten out like pancakes, but the first real hot day
they suddenly shoot up and desperately throw seeds... whoa, just kidding!

I'm going to try the vinegar idea Ursula, appreciate all the input on this.
I'm afraid this weed issue has only just begun.

Ruthie, NW MT 

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