This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/5/00 7:03:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< I'd like to share something I've been thinking about for some time.
  Several months ago there was a comment from one of the members of the
  NFHR board of directors that they often didn't really read the list,
  and recently, one of the members of the board unsubscribed from the
  list. In my opinion, these directors are not acting in good faith
  with those who elected them. I know that there is a person designated
  as liaison between the list and the board, but I think that every
  member of the board should read the list for her/him self. While I
  don't think that any action of the board should be directly
  influenced by anything that is said on this list, I do think that
  every member of the board has an implicit contract with every member
  of the NFHR to use EVERY means at his or her disposal to keep in
  touch with what those members are thinking. If this means spending 20
  minutes a day reading this list in hopes of seeing something relevant
  to board actions once every couple weeks, then so be it, it's part of
  what he or she contracted with us as members to do. If they're too
  busy to do that, then they're too busy to represent us on the BOD.
 - --
 Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
   Noblest of the train that wait on man, the flight-performing horse.
      --William Cowper(1731-1800)

Well said.  I served on the BOD for 6 years and wish that I had had this 
Digest to keep me abreast of the membership's needs!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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