This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 07:25 AM 1/31/00 -0800, you wrote:
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Think about it - why would anyone want
to use an inferior(poorly bred) animal if he could use
the best?

I couldn't agree more.

The answer is that they often must settle
for less than the best because they simply cannot
afford the best.

It really doesn't matter how much the horse costs Mary. It will still end up being the cheapest part of the whole equation. I laughed at the guy that told me that before I actually wrote the check for our Fjord. But I stopped laughing a couple of months later after I bought a pickup for 20K (this was back a ways) and then a trailer for another 2.5 that turned out to be not good enough so I bought a better one a few years later. I am now on the second pickup, second trailer & then there is the harness, saddles clothes, carts, etc. etc. etc.....

The Horse is the cheapest part...

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