This message is from: Anita Unrau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Happy New Year  to everyone on the Fjord List,

I am trying to get caught up on four months of the Fjord Digest and
enjoying all the different topics. Our nice quiet stay at home this
fall disappeared as I spent 4 days a week in Vernon , which is about 2
1/2 hrs north of here and close to Brian and Ursula, helping my
sisters to look after Mom. Now that she is gone and Orville has learnt
to cook and do a small amount of house cleaning I can get back to our
Fjord stuff. While reading the different messages and clicking on
websites I came across Bud and Tillies "Dun Lookin" page and seen some
of the old pictures. The picture of Harold Jacobsen with the mare Lise
brought back memories. This was the same picture that Harold sent us
and as a result we bought two mares and foals. Lise is one of two
mares and we later sold her to Chip Lamb. Lise's daughter Else, sired
by Dragtind was sold to a couple in Hawaii and was our first big
export. With Lise open we trained her to drive when she was 12 or 14
years of age and used her in our six horse hitch.

The picture's from Germany probably came from Rhinehold Eitenmuller.
He went to school in Texas for awhile and while in N. America came and
seen us. Must have been about 79 or 80. Eitenmuller's where/are Fjord
breeders in then West Germany. Their stallion was Heino and they did
alot of demos at Equitana, etc then. I think the sidesaddle picture
must be from them as well. In March of 1981 Helena Kelement and
Orville and I flew to Germany and met Rhinehold at Equitana and
watched them do their demo for the event. Met a bunch of German
breeders at that time but don't remember the names now. Helena bought
her six fillies from Germany and we went on to Norway where Helena
bought her stallion Halstien and we bought Rudaren. During that trip
looking at stallions for sale we seen and took pictures of Gjest,
Myrstein (who was our third choice), Norulv, (our second choice), and
many others mentioned recently on the Fjord List. The Dutch Stallion
Nordal is a full brother to Norulv. We seen him on the next trip to
Europe to buy mares. We have never wavered on our first choice of
Rudaren. He has done everything in our breeding program that we
expected from him and his grand/great/ great-great grandchildern. Next
spring will see the next generation being born.. The picture of
Orville holding Rudaren was taken by me when we lived in Bergen,
Alberta. The next picture Orville took while I held onto Rusten and
was in front of our house, built by a Norwegian, in Bergen. Rusty, as
we all affectionally call him, brings back lots of memories. He taught
me the proper way to handle stallions when breeding and always forgave
me my ignorance and mistakes. He would work for me on voice commands
alone and always a perfect gentleman. Orville was working as a Mud
Engineer in the Oil Patch and was gone most of the time. Still miss
Rusty even though our breeding program is based on Rudaren bred to
Rusty's sisters. A full brother George, who was our very first Fjord
in 1973, is going to be 30 years young this year.

I am going to try and get our web page done now that I am home and
hope to be putting lots of our old pictures on it. Enjoyed seeing the
pictures and reliving old memories of friends and Fjords.

Anita Unrau
Anvil's Acres Norwegian Fjords
"Disposition, Conformation, Versatility"

I to have a pet peeve about Confirmation being used for Conformation.
See it all the time.

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