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We just built a barn 3 years ago and toured every barn of every friend and 
boarding facility we could to get ideas.

My favorite features we incorporated when building our barn are:

    Sliding screen doors that keep virtually all the pesty flies and 
mosquitos out of the barn.  We have them at both ends where the garage doors 
come down and keep the screens closed during the day to keep bugs out but 
allow the breeze to go through.

    Automatic waterers -- wouldn't ever go without them!

    Gossip doors that allow the horses to put their heads into the aisle a 
bit to see who's coming.  It's so cute to see all their heads pop out when I 
open the door to the refrigerator to get the carrots.

    Larger than standard windows in the stalls.  A person once told me those 
windows are the horses' TV.  (Of course, they can't see out of them right now 
because they're all frosted up!)

    Hay drops that are located above each stall instead of the aisleway to 
keep the mess to a minimum when we drop hay.  The horses get to clean up the 
"mess" that way!

    A ceiling/wall mounted heater on a thermostat for the feed room to keep 
the feed that has molasses in it from clumping up and freezing (i.e.  Senior 
Feed, etc.)


I think that hits the high points.  Susan in frigid MN (-27 degree wind chill 

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