This message is from: Joanna Crell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Our very best friends are named the Dunleavey's, quite a large lovely
family that all ride with us. When we go out for a meal together its a
right riot, and at evenings end they'll say, "The Dunleavey's are dun
gone!" they have started a camp for children with CP and other challenges,
naturally our fjords are a most important ingredient!
 a local house is named  Dun Roamin (Rohmin) just thought I'd pipe up.
Joanna in wind whipped Mt Desert Isle
At 12:27 AM 1/19/00 EST, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Thank you very much Amy,
>Catherine sent us a list and you were on it too.  We are still trying to 
>figure out our itenerary, we will call if we can make it to your place and 
>make an appointment.  I love the name of your place.  We bred our QH mare to 
>a Hollywood Dun It son whose name is I'm glad I'm dun.  And we're looking
>a cute name for the foal with a "Dun" in it.  I hope we can make it, we just 
>have one Fjord so far, and we still have a lot of learning to do, and I
>that it helps to get all the exposure we can.
>Thanks,    Tami
        Joanna Crell - David Folger
Willowind Therapeutic Horseback Riding Center
        Phone & FAX     (207) 288-9506

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