This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OK, I have not posted with my idea of the best Fjord because I am so new to
Fjords that my opinion would count anyway.  And I am always adding something
silly to the list.
    Soooo - the only Fjord I have know this century is mine.  He is the best.
Hands down.

Martie LOL :))


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Wow,  That was powerful Brian,  and it couldn't have been said better.  That
> statement said it all!!
> Ive been lurking alot, due to moving into the house we just built.  its kind
> of funny,  we bought this place, because the barn and corral was perfect.  So
> what if it only had a 1 bedroom cabin and their are 6 of us.  the Fjords come
> first!!  But now  we are finally in the house, and it feels SOOOOO  good,
> Feeling quite guilty though, because, I havent so much as kissed one of the
> furry Fjords in about 4 days
> Michele Noonan
> In SNOWY  Stevensville, Montana

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