This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah
> > "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> quoted/wrote:
  > That's too funny Amy! Never heard of a breed
> prejudiced fjord before. : )
> I have---I've got a Fjord who's afraid of Arabians
> and Pasos!
> Near as I can tell, it's a "body language" thing.

I never thought of it that way, but that seems to be
the perfect explanation for what happens with our
Fjords when we meet other breeds on the trail. 
Usually these other horses are "pretty busy" doing
something with their bodies - occasionally we have met
a very calm "other" horse that doesn't seem to bother
them.  We notice that they are not bothered in the
least by mules - even very large mules - probably
because of the similar body language.  We just never
thought of the body language angle - probably because
we are humans - but it does make sense.  I'll be more
observant this next year and see if the theory seems
to check out.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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