This message is from: ceacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List,

I thought I would let everyone know that Julia Will won the drawing for her
donation to the Blain Whitcomb fund. I recently celebrated my birthday with
the Whitcombs and had a wonderful visit with Blain. Things were looking
positive and the tumors had all but disappeared. That was on Dec. 28,
however, since then things have taken a turn and it now appears that the
tumor on his back has infiltrated his spinal column. Last Wed. he woke up
paralyzed from the waist down. There will be no more trips to Japan and the
next direction for treatment is unclear. So, whatever your faith may be,
please send positive energy out there for Blain. He is a brave little boy
and his family needs all the support they can get. If you still want to
make a donation to help the family with the astronomical medical bills they
are coping with you can send a check to The Blain Whitcomb Benefit Fund,
c/o NYLLA, Gwen Pierre, Tucker Road, New Woodstock, NY
13122-9753  .

I am going out to see them next week and perhaps I will be able to give a
more uplifting update then. Thank you to everyone who sent a donation for
Blain, if only  you all could know him and his love of animals and his
quiet strength and optimism about life. I think of him daily and am
inspired to try harder to overcome obstacles with the same grace as he has
faced his ordeal.

May the new millenium bring a cure for cancer and an end to such suffering.
Thank you for this forum , Sincerely, Ceacy Henderson, Colrain, Ma.

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