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Regarding what goats will eat, while it is true they seem to prefer to 
browse (i.e., eat with their heads up) versus graze (i.e., eat with 
their heads down, they are equal opportunity eaters. That is, they 
will gladly eat those fruit trees, but also will eat things like thistle 
(somewhat reluctantly), stinging nettle (ditto, although some 
actually seem to specialize on it when other preferred foods are 
scarce), milkweed (no, it doesn't kill them), brambles (definitely in 
the "dessert" category--they love it), goldenrod, mutiflora rose 
(ditto), Japanese barberry. They will absolutely devour a Christmas 
Tree when it is given to them at this time of year, although they 
only seem to nibble on spruce, fir and pine in the pastures. As a 
consequence, they are a good companion to horses in pastures. 
They also will not damage pastures the way sheep and horses will, 
given that they only have front teeth on their lower jaws, and can't 
crop vegetation close to the ground (or even pull it out by the roots).

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