This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Ingrid, everyone,

We have two goats, a Nubian and a Fainting goat.  The Nubian is the biggest 
brat we have ever seen as he can get into everything one can imagine.  The up 
side is he is like a dog, greeting everyone who comes over, trying to jump on 
their cars for a ride, etc.  He is an awesome "babysitter" for our two year 
old.  Whenever he is out of sight, all we have to do is look for the goats.

The fainting goat is much calmer, probably because he drops like a brick 
whenever he gets startled, which took us all quite a bit to get used to.  He 
is quite tiny and bright white.  The horses all seem to like the goats.  

Ours have free run of the property and eat all the weeds, graze with the 
horses, plus get their own feed.  They sleep in a pile of hay in the barn.  
Usually.  We have found them on the front porch on occasion, but as they have 
gotten older, that seems to have stopped.  Lately, they, the cats, and dogs 
have been found all bundled up together in their hay pile.

Both of our goats are males, "withered", I think the term is for castarated.  
We did start off with two females, but they seemed to be more testy.  Hope 
this is of some help.

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

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