This message is from: "saskia schoofs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Sini!

Thank you for your mail! You really made me feel more at ease! I was so
nervous lately, as if Kitty were the first mare in the world to have a foal!
But thanks to you and of course thanks to Pamela, Brian and Joanna and the
knowledge this list exists, I begin to feel as if everything will be
I love your website!

> We actually had to use a hair-dryer which she enjoyed so that she fell asleep
> our hands. (A good form of imprint training!)
:-)))) I have to find my hair-dryer! I only use it in summer (to stir up the
barbecue :-)))
> Kaci also seemed to be happy to be able
> to choose the actual place herself.
aha. The (foaling) stall is in a small pasture with trees. If she foals by
dailight and it doesn't freeze, it might be safer indeed to let her choose
where to foal.

>>From then on the baby and Kaci were outdoors all the time. If Kitty likes her
> herd I would probably let her foal in the company of the others. It may be a
> nice experience for her to know that the others are there to guard her safety
won't the young colts attack the foal? Well, I hope to have them gelded
still before the birth, but I don't know if that's possible in December. If
the weather remains like this not, but maybe it will change.

> I don't think it matters to the foal whether the colts are gelded. But I guess
> you mean you can't put them together with Kitty so that they won't breed her.
yes, also. and because I heard horror stories about colts/stallions killing
foals. But on the other hand, my farrier (again him!) always lets his mares
foal in the herd, with his stallion, and there has never been an accident or

> You could also check these sites out:
good idea!!!!

Thanks again for your help! Good luck and a lot of happiness to you, your
family and all of your horses and other animals in 2000!


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