This message is from: Sini Seppala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Saskia, our Kaci had one of her foals here in Finland when there was still
some snow on the ground in places. Guess what - the baby (Troia) must have known
it was cold outside as she was born with a thick, wooly coat - quite different
from e.g. the following foal Somnus who was born with a silky coat next summer!
So she was definitely warm except when she ran so much she got wet one evening.
We actually had to use a hair-dryer which she enjoyed so that she fell asleep in
our hands. (A good form of imprint training!)

Kaci didn't have a blanket when she was foaling in her pasture. However, had she
been sweating more she might have needed one afterwards. The temp was about 2-4
degrees Centigrade. I think it's safer to let the mare foal outdoors if possible
because there's no way the foal can end up in a difficult position between the
mare and a wall or anything like that. Kaci also seemed to be happy to be able
to choose the actual place herself. She picked up a nice, even, safe place under
the trees.

(Quite many Fjord people around here also think the foals who are born outside
often become even healthier than other Fjord babies. At least Kaci's foals have
always been completely healthy.)

>From then on the baby and Kaci were outdoors all the time. If Kitty likes her
herd I would probably let her foal in the company of the others. It may be a
nice experience for her to know that the others are there to guard her safety -
especially since she is a dominant mare: I don't think the others will disturb
her. If you want to keep them separate you could still turn them out with the
others quite soon. The idea of having your Shetland pony with her sounds very
good. In any case, Kitty will protect the foal from the others if they tend to
get too wild. It took Kaci about an hour before she recovered well enough to
realise what she's supposed to do. First she didn't protect the foal as much as
she perhaps could have when the rest of the herd wanted to get to know the
newcomer. Everything went well, however.

I don't think it matters to the foal whether the colts are gelded. But I guess
you mean you can't put them together with Kitty so that they won't breed her.

There are a lot of good foaling-related sites on the net. You could try 'foal',
'foaling', 'imprint training' and words like that on some of the search engines.
You could also check these sites out:

All the best to all of you! What a wonderful way to start a new millennium!

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