This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wow Gail,
you are a good librarian...keeping all that info!

Had a couple of thoughts re. recycled fir and pine, and also anything with redwood in it; don't want to sound like a worry wart, but when I did landscaping out in the field,(8 years),I became very wary of working around redwood and pressure treated woods,(fir/pine),as the splinters, now matter how small, would hurt like hell and abcess unless I was able to dig them out. Don't know if I would bed horses on this stuff, OK for riding surface I suppose, or for pathways, etc. The stuff of dreams as far as I am concerned,(and it is in VERY good supply here in Nevada), is Decomposed Granite, or DG. Its in my arena and in my stall runs. Great stuff, stays clean, looks clean and a big + here, it doesn't blow or float away! Nice toothy surface, breaks up easily w/ the harrow, gives but is not too deep. In Sonoma County this may be a little dear, as they have to truck it in fom the foothills somewhere. Perhaps there are local screenings that don't have too many fines in them, and are not too sharp.( Limestone?)

I wonder what this mud cloth looks like. I have access to a nice vendor library, with samples, of every kind of LC fabric and drain liner available. I wonder what the composition is: felted, woven or bonded? What is the weight? And the $ per sq ft? Send me info Gail and I'll see what else is "out" there. Who knows, perhaps there is the same stuff, named and marketed differently somewhere, and they have jacked up the $ for the horsey set?

Take care, Karen

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