This message is from: "David Stewart, Registrar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred & Lori Osmond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: fjord list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05 December 1999 22:57
Subject: bran mash

>This message is from: "Fred & Lori Osmond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fred & Lori,

Well, they say you learn something new every day ... and today I found out
about Scottish Fold cats from Tayside.   As I live about fifty miles from
Tayside in Aberdeenshire, I was surprised
to learn about these cats on a Fjord Horse Mailing-List.  It sure is a funny
old world!   Are there many of these cats in Scotland?

David Stewart
Fjord Horse Registry of Scotland
>Hi all,
>Thanks to all of you with your response to the Swiss Mountain dog type.
>Any web sites you know of would be appreciated.
>We have a Norwegian horse, breed Scottish Fold cats, so why not go
>Swiss??? hahaha///  The only problem is I'm 1/2 Danish, so are there any
>Danish breeds???
>About the bran ?, we give our horses a big bucket of wet bran once a
>week.  It's a Sunday treat.  We add a small amount of grain and carrots.
>At times we will add Epson salt and during the fly season diatomacious
>(spelling?) earth to kill the flies and eggs.  It keeps our horses very
>regular and I have done that for 20 years, since my first pony coliched
>(sp?again)...  It's just a nice treat, plus a preventitive.
>Well, have a great day!!!
>  Scottish Fold web site

  • bran mash Fred & Lori Osmond
    • Re: bran mash David Stewart, Registrar

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