This message is from: Robert Merkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


            I was the one that mentioned the use of a running w last spring.
A driving trainer mentioned that he would "dress" the horse in padded
"clothes" so that they would not get hurt.  I think it's use sounded cruel
but after visiting with many drivers at events last summer they knew its use
was common.  Martha didn't want to use it on big T because he was very calm,
quiet, and had a very good whoa every time in the arena.
             As far as not using the breeching We were not on the hill when
it happened.  Martha mentioned afterward that she was glad he didn't have it
on because he may have gotten hurt worse when the cart caught.

              It has just amazed me since I bought these beautiful horses
how many costly mistakes I've made.  Two sayings come to mind that I have
come to hate.  " A fool and her money -----"  and "It's never the horse it's
always the rider"       I did ask a lot of people lots of questions but I
think that there are so many variables with horses that advise is hard to
give.  Here are some of my mistakes and if it saves even one of you some of
the heart ache that its caused me then it will be worth it.

               1.  Buying more than one horse because I  had been told by
several breeders they are so easy to train  and your children will love

                2. Thinking that finding a trainer that would like to train
this breed would be easy in "cowboy" country.  2yrs and $6000 Later

                3. Buying that ready made saddle for $1000+after reassurance
that semi quarter horse bars were right then being told later that they
would buck if a saddle pinches  their withers.  Now I bought a Ortho Fex
$2000 that I really like thanks to all the info from this List

                4. Getting my cart before the horse so to speak.  When
Martha saw my harness she said "who sold you that !"  " It's far too light
for training a horse of such power.  One spook and he could pop that thin
cheap leather and have a bad wreck."  She  also said I shouldn't have bought
a meadowbrook cart but a training cart --easy enter and quick exit!( I
exited quick alright -- flew right over the front doing about 20 mph)  So
she let me use her very sturdy harness.
                 There thats enough whining for today.  I actually don't
consider myself a whiner.  My husband wants me to sell them but I am as
stubborn as a Fjord and don't want to give up .  And can't bare the thought
that they might get mistreated on down the line.  I think I'll go call the
new trainer/riding instructor , take some more lessons on my girls
experienced QH  then when my confidence is there I'll try my Fjords again.

            Not having fun on my Fjord yet but hopfull and hanging in there
Janet in the bueautiful Black Hills of South Dakota.

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