This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/15/99 3:01:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Thanks for your mention of Rustin and Buck's influence.. I really think 
 Rustin is one of the most overlooked stallions in the US. He impressed me 
 the very first time I saw him at Libby in '89. Very strong and compact, yet 
 with refinement.
 After spending the summer fishing for salmon in Alaska, Chip would whisk 
 Rusty up to Libby to show him. He'd stroll into the halter class with 
 perhaps a minimal grooming,if that, and do very well indeed. I remember the 
 Norwegian judges that did the first Libby Eval. were very happy with Rustin.
 And yes, it was a treat to see him just clobber the beefier "draft" type 
 challengers in the weight pulls, either single, or paired up with Chip's 
 mare Trixie.

You are correct in your statement about Rusty.  I have some pretty cool 
pictures of him pulling sleighs at Schweitzer Mountain.  Chip fished in 
Alaska during the summer and did sleigh rides at the ski resort during the 
winter.  Don't know if Chip's still doing that now or not?  Maybe Jennie can 
tell us.

My junior stallion, Majson, is out of Rusty and a great mare named Majbrit.  
She was in foal to Rusty (the resulting foal was Majson, who has produced 2 
gray foals out of 6) when I purchased her.  She had produced one filly by 
Dusty when Chip owned him.  I was so smitten by that filly, I told Chip that 
if he ever wanted to sell her to let me know.

Out of the blue one day, Chip called and said he was bringing her over, that 
I could buy her.  I was thrilled!  The following year she foaled a colt by 
Dusty which we sold to some folks from Fla.  That year those two colts won 
the Produce of Dam class at Libby for Majbrit.  We then bred her back to 
Dusty and that fall moved here to Or. on Dec 20.  Unfortunately, Majbrit died 
3 days later from a ruptured aneurism.  Merry Christmas to us!!

I am getting off of the subject here.  My main reason for responding to your 
comments, Karen, was that I really need to make this statement publicly - 
CHIP is also one of THE UNSUNG HEROS!!

I had the pleasure of meeting him when Nordicfest was in the beginning 
development stage, worked with him for MANY years on the Libby show 
committee, and did all of the riding training on his Fjords.  He is truly 
dedicated to his horses and such a hard worker!  Each year after returning 
from fishing, I knew I could count on him to help with last minute running 
and getting for the Libby show.  He did it all for the love of his horses and 
not for what he'd get out of it!  He was quite instrumental in the success of 
the Libby show and always was in search of a new way to promote his beloved 
Fjords.  We all owe him a big THANK YOU!  

Jennie, when you see Chip the next time, tell him Gayle says hello and THANX 
for everything!!

As a P.S., Karen, I have a gelding in my barn by Dusty and out of Trixie.  He 
is Quad L's Reidar and belongs to Debbie Brown of Springfield, OR.  I had 
found a new mommy for Chip's Lars and when he was shipped to us, Chip also 
sent Reidar as he was in need of a new home too.  Debbie fell in love with 
Reidar and purchased him.  He was the fulfillment of a little girl's dream.  
I'm sure Debbie won't mind me sharing this with you.  She had wanted a horse 
ever since she was a little girl - tells stories of going to the fair and 
looking at all of the horses there and crying because she couldn't have one 
of her own.

I will never forget the time I took Debbie and Reidar to their first horse 
show.  Her redneck, logger husband took me aside and said, "Thank you for 
making my wife's dreams come true!"  Don't mind telling you I was too choked 
up to say much of anything - just nodded like a big dummy!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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