This message is from: "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the info Steve (and everone else that answered)  I think I have
decided not to use it for the one of the reasons given on the list.
Apparently it doesn't stay in the barn.  I don't think i'd like the look of
shredded office paper blowing around the padocks.  It would look to much like
litter to me.



> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Mark,
> I know of a couple of places that use shredded paper for bedding.  The
> Omaha public school system actually saves their shredded paper and sells
> it in large bags.
> It doesn't absorb as well as straw or shavings, but it is very clean.  If
> anybody has a horse that has heaves or skin allergies, shavings can be a
> big help in controlling these conditions.
> Steve White
> Waterloo, Nebraska

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