This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Catherine,

Sorry you were not there to be in the chat room meeting. Only 3 of us showed up, Ellen, Barry (and Margaret) and me.

Anyway, we discussed the eval, and they seemed to think that to holdit in May would be too early, as did some of the List people, and that it was too far. I offered to look into seeing if therer was an opening here in Carson City, at Fuji Park, in late June thru July. Its allot cheaper than Turlock, and the acess and lodging are excellent. I thought of you wanting to have a small herd evaluated, and if you wanted to show up here a bit earlier and stay a bit late, we have 8 stalls in our barn, w/ runs.Anyway, its a thought, and everyone certainly felt like the West coast had better follow thru or loose credibility.. I will check into avail. tomorrow.Please let me know when Karen Maas was avail. Does she have email? Also, who else shall we pick, of the BIG BOYZ: Havelhurst is closer...

We really needed Sami, or Jon Keevy online, as we did not know what the show expenses came in to. Barry agreed to leave the checking acct. up there, as it would be a hassle to transfer it. Talked about need to inc. ASAP. Thats all. I am sure you will rec. the minutes from Ellen.

Hows it all going? Pretty neat fall weather, huh? NICE!!! Say hello to Rune, and give Lu a hug.

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