This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes, I noticed the championships, too bad he was sold, :(, but I am sure
he will be treated very well. I will have to get my piggies in the
savings back working overtime this year.
Please keep me on your "inquiry" list and send photo's when the new one
arrives. I will be very interested in seeing the little cutie.
Thank you also for all the info, I am glad they do fine with the other
breeds and full sized stalls.
Enjoy this afternoon and lovely sunset.

"Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" wrote:
> This message is from: "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Lyn
> I am glad you got to see my web site.  It has only been around for a few weeks
> and I'm still working out the submission process for various search engines.
> Alida was bred this spring to Rokida's Niklaus (Grey Dun) and should foal at
> the end of April 2000.  Alida is a brown dun which is the most common color
> for Fjords while her filly from '97 (Asa) is a red dun.  Odds are that her
> foal will be another brown dun but we won't know until it's born.  Her foal
> would be in the price range of $3,000-4,000 (at weaning) depending on how it
> turns out and what sex it is.  There is a lot of potential with such a good
> cross.  I'm not sure if you saw that Niklaus won not only his class at the
> Blue Earth but he also won Grand Stallion!  We were really happy to be one of
> the few breedings by him this year.  Unfortunately he was sold to a breeding
> farm in Green Bay and that will be all he'll do from now on it seems.
> Our stalls in our barn are 14 X 10 and the Fjords do fine in them.  That is
> when they are in them.  They would rather be outside.  We put them in when
> there is a real cold rain or if it's going to be real cold.  Otherwise they
> are outside.  One of our horses is a 15-1 hh Arab mare and they all fit
> together fine (Both Alida 14-2 hh and Asa 14-0 hh aren't that small).
> Good luck with your search for your daughter's horse.  My daughter is 12 and
> she has the Arab.  Alida is my wife's and Asa is mine.  I'm the one who gets
> to wait to ride for three years!  I'm half way there.
> Mark
> @Mariposa
> justus wrote:
> > This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Lisa and Mark,
> >
> > Wow, such beautiful horses, I especially love the palomino coloring of
> > Alida! Funny thing, I just e-mailed Mari telling her of my palomino
> > dreams and web window shopping today!  I have searched for days for
> > Fjords for sale in Wisconsin, but would not have found your site if you
> > had not sent it to the list. Thank you!
> >
> > If you get a nice colt or filly to sell for next fall with the Baileys
> > and Cream coloring, please let me know. What price range would a young
> > 5-6 month old go for? I know this breed is above my current limit, but I
> > am willing to wait and save for the horse of my dreams.
> >
> > My daughter may be getting hers a lot sooner though, as she is less
> > particular at the wonderful age of 8, and is happy with anything
> > (almost) on four legs:)  We are looking as some very nice Quarter horse
> > colts and some paints this weekend. There seems to be a fall clearance
> > sale on them right now, with several available for $450.00.
> >
> > I will have to rent a stall for our horses for a few years, until we can
> > get our own place. Most of the farms here around Belleville and New
> > Glarus are built for the larger horses, how would a Fjord get along in a
> > full sized stall and with the other Quarters and such in the pasture?
> >
> > Look forward to your reply.
> >
> > Thank you.
> > Lyn
> >
> > "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" wrote:
> > >
> > > This message is from: "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > Hi Everyone,
> > >
> > > It was supposedly the next to last nice day up here (northern Wisconsin)
> > > and I caught our fjords doing that solar gain and storage thing out in
> > > the pasture.  I posted the pictures at our website at
> > >
> > >
> > > I also have somewhat updated puppy pics there too for those of you who
> > > are interested.
> > >
> > > To Jon and Mary Ofjord-
> > >
> > > This is my last trip out of town with Big Top Chautauqua this weekend...
> > > maybe we can get that ride in soon?
> > >
> > > Mark McGinley
> > > @ Mariposa

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