This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lisa and Mark,

Wow, such beautiful horses, I especially love the palomino coloring of
Alida! Funny thing, I just e-mailed Mari telling her of my palomino
dreams and web window shopping today!  I have searched for days for
Fjords for sale in Wisconsin, but would not have found your site if you
had not sent it to the list. Thank you!

If you get a nice colt or filly to sell for next fall with the Baileys
and Cream coloring, please let me know. What price range would a young
5-6 month old go for? I know this breed is above my current limit, but I
am willing to wait and save for the horse of my dreams.

My daughter may be getting hers a lot sooner though, as she is less
particular at the wonderful age of 8, and is happy with anything
(almost) on four legs:)  We are looking as some very nice Quarter horse
colts and some paints this weekend. There seems to be a fall clearance
sale on them right now, with several available for $450.00.  

I will have to rent a stall for our horses for a few years, until we can
get our own place. Most of the farms here around Belleville and New
Glarus are built for the larger horses, how would a Fjord get along in a
full sized stall and with the other Quarters and such in the pasture?

Look forward to your reply.

Thank you.

"Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" wrote:
> This message is from: "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Everyone,
> It was supposedly the next to last nice day up here (northern Wisconsin)
> and I caught our fjords doing that solar gain and storage thing out in
> the pasture.  I posted the pictures at our website at
> I also have somewhat updated puppy pics there too for those of you who
> are interested.
> To Jon and Mary Ofjord-
> This is my last trip out of town with Big Top Chautauqua this weekend...
> maybe we can get that ride in soon?
> Mark McGinley
> @ Mariposa

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