This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Glad you will be at Fair Hill.  I hope to see you there.  I think I have
Friday to look at the horses.  The rest of the weekend will be pretty busy.
    RE: Floyd.  There was a lot of damage to the driving trails caused by
flooding and trees down.  I don't think they will have too much of it repaired 
the show.  The actual marathon will be through areas that were not too severely
damaged.  I have not had the opportunity to go out and hike/ride/drive it 
of so many other commitments, but some friends who drive there every day say it
is pretty bad and most of the bridges are unpassable with a carriage.  I think
they will have to dig out the 'tunnels' also before the show.  It is such a 
because it is the nicest place for driving in our area.  Driving just does not
seem to be high on the priority of the maintainance group.  They are clearing
enough for hiking/biking and riding but will probably not do anything for the
forseeable future about making the bridges passable and safe for driving.  Or
that is what I have heard through the grapevine from friends who live adjacent 
the land.  I need to trailer there (about 1/2 hour) so I don't get there often.
Many years back I used to board close enough to ride over from the boarding
stable.  Fox hunting!


> ........
> Good Luck in your debut. I'll be looking for you at Fair Hill. How does the
> place look after Floyd went thru? Vivian C

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