This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all .. I have a question for any of you out there who have introduced
their fjords to the Parelli method of training .. I just came back from my
first day at a level 1 clinic .. absolutely amazing to see a dozen agitated
warmbloods and arabs, etc. change in just a few hours to something
resembling fjords in temperment.   However, when I came home - of course I
decided to try out a little of what I had seen.  Here's the rub (no pun
intended) .. unlike the horses I watched all day who backed away from the
stick and who seemed to respond almost immediately to a very light pressure
anywhere, my 13 yr old mare, who can be headstrong but does not shy at
machinery, cars, grouse, deer, etc -- seems totally indifferent to pressure
on her nose, to move back, or anywhere else .. she just doesn't react.  If
anything, she comes toward me rather than moving away.  Waving the stick
around her head just makes her look a little askance, but not a flicker of
concern or understanding that she needs to do anything about it.  Ditto for
trying to get her to drop her head or lift her feet when you squeeze her
hock.   I know I haven't even begun to start learning how to do this
properly, but when she has no reaction at all, I wonder how agitated I have
to become to get her to pay attention.  She just stands there, patiently
to see what it is I want .. or else totally indifferent!  I remember someone
on the list recommending the 7 games video so I assume there must be lots of
more responsive fjords .. and it must be me!  Any comments, clues/advice ..?
I'm very sorry I opted not to enroll her in the clinic as I would dearly
love to see what a level 3 Parelli trainer would do with the non-reactive

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