This message is from: "SUSAN L GIARGIARI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List!  Sue G. here!

    Thanks to all of you for your support and votes to elect me to The
NFHR BOD! Looking forward to being involved and the first BOD Retreat!
It has been really helpful to me to meet all of you who I have met in
my travels cross country and Norway! I am always listening to
everyone's input and what a difference it makes when you here all
sides of a subject. This list does help alot, in being an avenue
people can say what they feel or believe and it is instant! It is hard
to communicate with all the members within Dear Editor letters in the
Herald. There are sometimes almost a whole year's worth of minutes in
one issue. When I decided to get involved I started going back over
the issues and reading the BOD minutes. It would be a good way for
some of the new comers to see how this Registry has evolved and how
much work has been done by lots of people! I am available anytime for
ideas, input or whatever to do with The NFHR. Thanks again to all the
fjord folks who helped make me a member of the BOD!

    Gail Russell, I have your lost package! It was in a tub that I
recently just opened. And yes, I will get it off to you this weekend. It
seems to be all intact! It was next to the Norway pictures that
Catherine just left me a message to not to forget to return, but I
thought I would hold them for ransom!  What do you think, Catherine!
Ha! Ha!

    To any of the Northeast people,(or anyone , anywhere!) any one
interested in particitpating in the Equine Affaire please contact me
ASAP by phone or e-mail.
     Phone :  603-924-9133
     Email :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Once again, we will be the opening act (Versitility Drill Team) for
John Lyons. This will be on Thursday(opening day) at 2:20. Then on
Sunday we close for John Lyons at 3:00 with our Breed Demo. During all 4
days < Nov. 11-14>  we need volunteers to help staff the Breed Booth.
Friday nite and Saturday nite are the Pfizer Fantasia in which we will
most likely be in the driven-hitch section. It is with sadness that Dave
McWethy will not be available to drive the 4 In Hand. We hope to have
besides the carts, a team and possible 3 or 4 abreast hitch for this.
There is also the possibility of riders being needed for a Ridden
Section and possible Costume section.

   If you just come to participate in the breed demo or drill team , the
day of the demo you get your stall for free, and entrance to the grounds
is included.  The stalls are $25/nite. Initial straw bedding provided.
Bill & Norma! We want you guys and your team!!  Michele and friend , we
want your western fjords! (and you too, of course!). We already have
commitments from our young rider , Chrystal and our oldest rider, Anne
Sullivan. (love you, Anne!) Marcy & Susan, also. How about it Jennifer
J. and hubby , Mike? The draft team needs a driver, if I need to be in
the ridden drill team part!  We also need headers. People to stand at
the heads of some of these teams and horses as we wait for our entrance
into the rings.  Arrival at the grounds on Wed. can begin at 10am on
Wed. Nov. 10. We will have a practice and meeting in October, time to be
announced , and a practice, hopefully in the ring , at Equine Affaire on
Wed. , Nov. 10, most likely late in the day, when whoever can arrive on
Wed. will be there. Motel info I have also.

    Sorry to be so long winded! Aren't you glad I don't post that often,
I do read, every day, though! Great time at Libby! Great visit with
Dennis J. and his horses! and a wonderful time staying at Green Valley
Farm with Sophie F. and Pat H.!! We didn't want to leave! Keep up the
neat subjects on the list.

    Peg, a prayer for your little guy! He'll pull through.........he's a
tough little fjord!!!!   Sue G.

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