This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If any one wants to know how fjords handle extreme temp swings ask me. Last
week we had record highs--still in the 90's after weeks of it, no rain to
speak of for months and heavy dust. Last night we had a record low--20.
Every one is doing fine. Still dry and dusty, with icy wind. Last week I
was feeling so sorry for the Fjords with their winter coats. We were giving
baths after every ride because they would get so sweated up. People
suggested I trace clip them, but I didn't want to due to the fact that the
weather seems so inpredictable. Good thing I didn't, now I feel sorry for
all the poor horses who still have slick summer coats. For the last couple
of years we seem to miss out on spring and fall just going directly from
summer to winter and back again. it is so strange, the leaves will be still
green on the trees, as they are now, and then with a heavy frost like the
one we had last night, they just turn black and fall off. As a weather
observer, I am just curious--any one else having such anomalies? Lastly, I
want to say that my Fjords do me so proud. We loaded our three and four
year old for the first time the other day to take them to a trainer in the
high desert. Not my pick of a day for a first loading, but hers. It was icy
cold and very windy--with trees falling down and branches snapping around.
They did so well, loaded up in a matter of minutes and rode well to the
trainer's. When they got there they just looked at us, looked around and
settled right in. Gosh, I don't think I'll ever own another breed of horse.
Best Misha  

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