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Thank you for sharing that tragic story. : (

One of my Fjords got into a feed storage area at my former boarding facility 
(yes, I moved, long story!). Apparently feed and tack were being stored right 
out in the open, and my horse had eaten grain and rice bran and chewed on a 
saddle and bridle. Never once did the barn manager show concern for my horse, 
all she could do was accuse me of oweing money for the damage. When I asked 
about the potential danger, she said, "Oh, I checked him out immediately and 
saw that he was fine."  A vet was never called, I was never called for that 
matter. I found out the next day when I came to the ranch! Then after eating 
all this stuff, he was fed his regular meals.

Well, enough rattling on about that place : ) I thank God that my horse was 
fine and we found a better place to live. Reading a story like your really 
makes my stomach tighten -- I know what could have happened.


  • Awakenings Richard Smith
    • Re: Awakenings Epona1971

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